“Music is a necessity. After food, air, water, and warmth, music is the next necessity of life.”

-Keith Richards

Online Lessons

So you want to learn a new instrument, but you don’t know where to start, or where to go next. You might need a little encouragement and accountability to push to the next level. And when you’re trying to learn on your own, you need an experienced instructor to guide you through the process and watch to make sure you’re playing with the right form and technique. With online private lessons, we focus on exactly what you’re interested in, and design lessons that suit your ability and learning style.


$45-$50 per hour long lesson

$25- $30 per half hour long lesson

How to Book

Please fill out and submit the form to the right and we will get back to you right away with available time slots and teachers. For a limited time, we’re offering 50% off your first lesson.


How Online Lessons Work

We use a free program called Zoom which allows for screen sharing. This means students can listen to music simultaneously and look at tabs or chord charts on screen together with their teacher. Our students can also record the lesson and work through it again later. For a detailed walkthrough of how to download and install Zoom, watch the video below.


Once you have Zoom downloaded and installed, there’s a couple easy adjustments you can make to the audio to optimize it for lessons (these are also adjustments you can make with your teacher during your first lesson).


In your toolbar, click the upward-pointing arrow next to the microphone button. Select "Audio Settings" from the pop-up menu. In the window that opens, click on the "Advanced" button on the lower right-hand side.

Once you're in the advanced menu, adjust the following settings:

  • Enable the in-meeting option for "Enable Original Sound" (there is another setting that needs to be adjusted, outlined in the next section)

  • Disable the setting for "Supress Persistent Background Noise"

  • Disable the setting for "Supress Intermittent Background Noise"

  • Change the echo cancellation setting to "Auto"


Now that you have enabled the setting for original sound to be toggled in the Zoom meeting, you'll see the text "Turn on Original Sound" appear in the upper left-hand corner. You will need to click this button once to enable it.